Industrial Talk
Internet of Things: Technology and Application
Time: 2.30 pm - 4.00 pm (18th November 2018)
Venue: P03-220, School of Electrical Engineering, UTM
By: Ir. Dr. Hafizal Mohamad @ Din
Senior Staff Researcher, MIMOS Berhad
ASEAN Outstanding Scientist and Technologist Award (AOSTA) 2017
Top Research Scientist Malaysia Award 2018
In recent years, Internet of Things (IoT) has gained a lot of interest from both technology and business points of view. IoT is aimed at enabling the interconnection and integration of the physical world and cyber space. It represents the trend of future networking and leads the third wave of the IT industry revolution. In this talk, a number of IoT applications and deployment examples will be discussed.
Hafizal Mohamad earned a BEng (First Class Honours) and a PhD degree in electronic engineering from University of Southampton, UK. He receives several awards including the ASEAN Outstanding Scientist and Technologist Award (AOSTA) and Top Research Scientist Malaysia (TRSM) by Academic of Sciences Malaysia.
Currently, he is a Senior Staff Researcher in the Corporate Technology Division of MIMOS. Passionate about creating a hyper connected world, Hafizal now leads a team of talented researchers working on R&D projects in Internet of Things and mesh networks. Hafizal is the co-inventor of 36 filed patents and nine granted patents in the field of wireless communications. He has published over 100 research articles. He has completed 19 research and commercial projects. He has also engaged in collaborative research projects with international partners from the UK, Japan, Indonesia, Brunei, Vietnam and Philippines. He served as a visiting fellow at NICT, Japan in 2005.
Hafizal is a Registered Professional Engineer with the Board of Engineers Malaysia and a Senior Member of the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE), USA. He has served in various leadership roles in the IEEE, including the Conference Operation Chair for the largest IEEE ComSoc flagship conference (IEEE ICC 2016). He is the Technical Program Chair for the upcoming IEEE 89th Vehicular Technology Conference (VTC2019-Spring). Hafizal has served on industry advisory panel for several universities, and has been appointed as an expert panel for various technical and standard committees.
Ir. Dr. Hafizal bin Mohamad made MIMOS proud when he won ASEAN Outstanding Scientist and Technologist Award (AOSTA). The award ceremony was at the 10th ASEAN Science, Technology and Innovation Week held on the 19-20 October 2017 in Nay Pyi Taw, Myanmar
Industry 4.0 - Purpose, Benefit and Promise
Time: 2.30 pm - 4.00 pm (18th November 2018)
Venue: P03-221, School of Electrical Engineering, UTM
By: Dr. Thomas Ooi.
Solution Marketing Manager
Intel Corporation
Industry 4.0 has been a topic of interest by many today. This session will lead the audience through the reasons why Industry 4.0 concept were conceived and the driving forces behind it. It will include some technological aspect of industry 4.0 and some key elements in the technical implementation and the importance of it
Dr Thomas Ooi, Currently served as Product Marketing and Engineering Manager in IOT Group, has 20 years of practical experience in business management, technical services, telecommunication and data communication engineering, software product development and deployment, and program management etc in both services and product industry. He has been involved deeply in Industrial, Energy, Medical, Gaming, Transportation and Telco industry over his career as a technologist. Currently he led a team focusing on industrial and Energy, Smart Cities, Agriculture and Medical business for Intel Internet of Things Group supporting Asia business opportunities. He is also leading the research effort with universities and manage the Advanced Analytics Research Centre in Malaysia, which is a research lab focus on Visual and Data Analytics through collaboration with universities and Intel Lab. Thomas holds a bachelor degree in Computer Science, MBA and Doctorate in Business Management. He is also a PMP holder, and holding about 15 different Microsoft and Cisco certification in the past. At his free time, he taught in private university in the areas of Quantitative Techniques, Research Methodology, and Project Management.
IoT – Predictive Maintenance Gets An Extreme Makeover
Time: 11.00 am - 12.00 pm (18th November 2018)
Venue: P03-220, School of Electrical Engineering, UTM
By: Mr. Syahrul Hafidz Suid
Enterprise Consultant
Hewlett Packard Enterprise
The concept of predictive maintenance is probably as old as the first machines that humans invented. In the recent past, predictive maintenance solutions were focused on complex machines, such as jet engines, for which failure would be catastrophic. Often, those systems involved the compilation of large amounts of historical data, the application of machine learning, and the creation of a digital “twin,” a digital rendition of the physical machine that would perform virtually like its physical counterpart. Now, with the advent of the Internet of Things (IoT), the lowering of connectivity and storage costs, and the creation of vast amounts of data, predictive maintenance is transforming industries and machines that were previously out of reach.
Syahrul Hafidz is currently the Enterprise Consultant of Hewlett Packard Enterprise Malaysia. He holds degree in Technology Multimedia from University Malaysia Sabah (UMS) and master from University Technology Malaysia (UTM) in Information Security. Currently he is pursuing PhD in IoT at University Technical Malaysia Malacca (UTeM). Syahrul is a member of IEEE and has more than 10 years of experience in ICT especially related to digital transformation and an enterprise architecture.
Internet 2.0: Transaction Based Networking
Time: 12.00 pm - 1.00 pm (18th November 2018)
Venue: P03-221, School of Electrical Engineering, UTM
By: Mr. M Nazrul Hazeri Nazirmuddin
Solution Design Architect, Maxis Berhad
Cisco Service Provider Distinguished Innovation Award 2014 (Team)
The current social, economic and political development relies heavily upon internet technology for a consumer to optimize their utility and for a producer to maximize the profit. We have seen the impact of misinformation in the political domain where Brexit and President Trump making the headlines. We also experience a new context of transaction in our daily consumption i.e. we purchase our daily goods and services online without the need to attend to their physical store. These phenomena; a digitalized, decentralized and distributed transaction based networking would further evolve in the future and make a third-party authority i.e. Central Bank become irrelevant. In this realm, we would explore the blockchain/distributed ledger technology and further understand its impact to our daily life.
M Nazrul obtained his BEng (Electrical and Electronics) from University Teknologi Malaysia in 2007 and a MSc (Communications, networks and Software engineering) from University of Surrey, UK in 2011. He was a part of the team that won Cisco Service Provider Distinguished Innovation Award in 2014 for the implementation of virtual CPE and being a pioneer of SDN/NFV in APAC. Currently he is exploring the concept of decentralized and distributed internet architecture.